Monday, January 17, 2011

Family Pictures

It's been way too long since i last posted. ten days is just too much time. i'll be better.

older than me one is leaving to germany for two years. wow. i'm gonna miss him lots. he's basically the coolest person i know. he's leaving on wednesday. because of this, we did family pictures today. the studio we went to was bitty, and all ten of us had trouble fitting in the studio. The parents, older than me two, his wife, their baby, older than me one, me, younger than me one, younger than me two, and younger than me three. we're all just so cute in our matching family outfits, it's ridiculous. it's kinda funny how they do that, but usually they dress groups up in the same outfit to take pictures as if to say, "i wasn't sure i belonged, but then i checked my shirt and it matched everyone else, so i'm not lost." i'm not criticizing, i just think it's funny.

oh hey, guess what! the term finally ended on friday. yeah, it's on to the next term. school. i'm excited for everything i'm learning, but the homework makes it stressful sometimes.

my favorite quote of yesterday, "they're wearing these weird skin colored sandal things...why? they're standing on clouds, they don't need shoes." older than me one said that. he's funny as well as awesome. This post is dedicated to him. the end.

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