Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Reasons Why I'm a Rebel

Inspired by me having to come up with a characteristic about me that starts with the same letter as my first name. here's "10 reason's why i'm a rebel."

1. when i go to walmart i go in the exit and out the entrance.

2. i say the phrase "i just lied" a lot because i lie a lot. (i always admit it though...)

3. sometimes i don't do all of my homework.

4. i wear flip flops in the snow

5. i sleep with my light on sometimes.

6. i read books in the bookstore and don't buy them.

7. i laugh during class at almost everything.

8. when people tailgate me, i slow to 1 mph under the speed limit

9. occasionally i draw pictures just to look like i'm taking notes.

10. when i don't want to answer the phone, i let the answering machine get it.

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