Friday, November 5, 2010

Radio STAR!

I was locked in a room in the school today after school. locked in. I sat in front of three computers, a microphone, and a soundboard. yeah, i was broadcasting LIVE on the school radio station. It only reaches as far as the hallways and half the parking lot. that's probably a good thing considering i am super redundant and don't know anything about the music i'm broadcasting. i need to research music and musicians so i can be more smooth on the radio. yeah, it's kind of a problem. i always have my partner pick the music, and i do all the wierd stuff. i'm the identity confused DJ. when my partner and i are working together, i just say a random name, but when i'm on my own, it's the identity confused DJ. yeah, i'm a dork. i never know what to say or do, so i end up sounding redundant. i'm gonna have to start listening to the real radio so i know what i should sound like. yeah, that's kinda all i have to say for today.

ps aren't you proud of me? that's lots of posts in a row!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So every 3000 miles or 3 months, whichever comes first, you are supposed to change the oil in your car. It has been about 6000 miles and 6 months since the car i drive has had an oil change. so, today, i was supposed to take another car, and my mom was going to get a lube and oil on it. but, i was running late this morning and i forgot to take the other car. i was talking to...i don't know if i've given him a name yet...yes, i have. it's the giant peach. I was talking to the giant peach about how i was supposed to not drive it cuz it was s'posed to go in for an oil change, and he kind of offered to help me change the oil by hand. not sure how serious he really was about it...bit it was kind of an offer. i ended up taking him up on it. I went and bought an oil filter and we changed the oil. yup. i was all greasy and gross from the oil, but it actually got changed. we had some tool issues though. that's too long of a story for me now though, cuz i'm tired. so, i'll go back to doing homework like i'm supposed to. Go team!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Have Chemistry Again!

trust me, those were excited words.

...and kind of a lie. only a little though.

let me 'splain. There's a girl who's my neighbor. she broke her jaw. it was bad, and she had to miss a lot of school. so, i'm her chemistry tutor. yeah, i know, i haven't taken chemistry for over a year. so what? i still have my notes. yeah, they're incomplete. sketchy, sketchy. I was surprised at how much i remember. it's pretty great. only i was unprepared. yep, i didn't know what i was doing. i went in to talk to mr chemistry teacher, but he wasn't here today, and i didn't have access to a textbook or anything, so it was trixy. (yes, i really did just spell "trixy" with an X.) i will get more resources and refresh my memory better tomorrow about it. I love chemistry. lots and lots and lots. good times.

random ending!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


We all have friends. Family counts. Old people count. Babies count. But seriously, making new friends is amazing. If you know any people who you aren't friends with, you should try this. I made a new friend recently. I've known this girl for probably five years, and have never really been friends with her before this year. It started out as randomly being in the same classroom. We asked each other questions about music. "How do you record stuff?" "What do you think of this harmony?" "Do you ever [insert almost anything here]?" Which then turned into sharing music with each other. Not just any music, music we'd written. Sharing something so personal with somebody else can't help but build trust. Then we started having conversations and discovered, hey, we're super similar in the way we react to things and the way we think even though we come from backgrounds that are polar opposites. She and I are pretty much really great friends now. yeah, i know what you're thinking (actually that's a lie, i don't, but I'm guessing that you may be thinking something like this, at least after i tell you that you are) "That was a happy coincidence for you two to be spending time in a flexible classroom situation like that, but making friends isn't that easy." Well, you're right. that was a happy coincidence. making friends isn't that easy always. I find though, that the easiest way to make friends with someone else is to share something with them that will build trust. I'm not saying you should pour out your soul to complete strangers, but telling stories about your day/week is a pretty good way to start. smiling and saying hi helps too. it's hard to make new friends, but you may end up making friends with somebody who is your polar opposite and exactly like you at the same time. It's amazing. :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Music Addict

I'm addicted to music. Especially ukulele music. My mother was in Hawaii, and she got herself a beautiful ukulele. She's going to learn how to play it, and I'm excited. And I'm also very excited because I'm going to be an aunt, and I'm going to have a neice! A little baby girl!!!! SO excited. She even has a name and everything. Life will be good. Older than me one got an exciting letter in the mail yesterday, but isn't opening it until tonight, and in it, there holds the location that he will be spending two years! GO LIFE!!! Pretty much have lots of super exciting news. What else? Hm. I'm no longer addicted to cucumbers, but they are still delicious. forever. I also love smothies. I feel sophisticated when I wear pearls. I'm procrastinating my stats homework. I want to party. Live long and prosper.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Online School

I just finished the first quarter of Financial Lit yesterday, and today I got half of the second quarter finished. I feel productive.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Standing for the USA

Sometimes, awesome things happen. Today, I'm going to tell you about something awesome that happened while I was at Girl's State. One hundred thirty-something girls are sitting in a giant hall (I swear it is the Great Hall from Hogwarts only with carpet and no tables) listening to a patriotic presentation. This is the first night any of the girls have spent together, so none of them really know each other well. There is a female trio singing songs, with story reading in-between to go with the slide show. There is background music set for the slide show too. So, after a story is read the trio usually sings. This time they didn't. It was just music. Then the words start, and the song is recognized. "Proud to be an American" plays, and after the first few lines are sung, you hear whispering among the girls. They are whispering the words. Gradually the whispering turns into singing. Then comes the last chorus. When the girls sing/hear the line "and I'll proudly stand up [cymbol crash] next to you" almost every single girl stands up as if on cue. Nobody cued us in. We didn't plan it. It just happened. Truth be told, I didn't even know that I had stood up until I realized that everyone else was standing. It's just acting on impulse. How amazing is it that we all had that impulse at the same time? Amazing. I love this country. I am truly proud to be an American.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today I started job hunting. If anybody knows of a place that is hiring, especially if you can put in a good word for me, let me know. Yesterday I played frisbee in the sprinklers. The actual playing of frisbee didn't last very long. Neither did playing in the sprinklers. We ended up mostly just talking. It was fun. I really like playing music, but it's ridiculously hard. Yep. Not much happened last few days. I've been working on my online school. I'm gonna get stuff done before school starts if I work hard. It'll be good.

That's all Folks!

(tee hee :P)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Life...

In life, crazy things happen. My cello quintet finally decided on a name. We are Cello Players Anonymous. I love it. Sometimes I went to girls camp. Yep, and I got sick, and stayed sick for a long time. I haven't been sick for a really long time. Girls camp was the greatest though. College. Don't know what's going to happen there. Cousins from Texas = Awesome. String camp was good. Running is hard. Music is amazing. Did I metnion I got a ukulele? I took it to camp with me. I love playing it. Food is delicious. Sometimes life is super busy, and I say scatterbrained stuff to try and catch my blog up. I'll try to do better.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Running, Playing, and Working

In my last post, I neglected to mention that I've started running. Now, before you all go into shock at the thought of me exercising, I would like to explain. I've been running with my mom in the mornings of this week. We've been doing a run 2 minutes walk one minute thing. The reason I'm doing this at all is that I'm going to do cross country starting in a couple weeks.

Now you can go into shock.

It's a pretty ridiculous idea, I know, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm going to do it or die trying. (If I actually do die, please come to my funeral.)

Now, I'm going to tell you about things that are a little less painful in my life. So let's start with the cello. My small ensamble group, which doesn't have a name yet but will eventually, had it's second rehearsal yesterday. First off, I want to say, the guy who didn't come to the first rehearsal pretty much completes the group. We were already having fun before, but his character really just adds the final touch to make the group insane. I love it. Our music is gonna be pretty cool. We haven't chosen which pieces specifically we will be doing yet, but the options we have are fun. I'm excited.

I have a job interview today. It's for a baseball stadium. I'm super nervous. SUPER NERVOUS! I don't know if It's likely that I'll get the job because so many people apply. I just hope that I make the cut. I'll let you know how it goes.

That's all I have to say today, so TTFN!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Summer means different things to different people. What does summer mean to you? For me it means searching for a job, working on school, getting in shape (don't laugh, it's going to happen), juggling schedules of different camps and such, and seeing family. This summer has been insane. (Yes, I know it's only been a day.) Let's rewind a little bit. Older than me one graduated. HE GRADUATED! It makes me happy for him. He's going on to new adventures in his life. It makes me sad. This next school year will be the first of my school years that I have not had him around after school. The other thing that worries me is that makes me the oldest in the house. It's never a good thing. The oldest child in this house usually has the most conflicts with life. And the beginning of senior year also has lots of stress with applying for colleges and stuff. Don't worry, I might die, but I'll be fine. :) The night before graduation, Fat Suit and I went and did a photo shoot together. I did the make-up, and it wasn't all that great cuz it was so on the spot, but it ened up looking pretty cool. I'm in the process of editing them all. It's way fun, but way time consuming. My favorite so far is a picture of just my face, and I look like a demon. It's kinda freaky, but it's cool at the same time. Okay, moving on to the present. Yesterday was Memorial Day, as we all should know, so it meant hanging out with the fam. We went up to a park for a super extended family reunion. It was fun. There are some cousins who happen to be in town now, and they are super duper cute! As well as the cousins who live here who are moving soon. (Their little ones are super duper cute as well.) So the mom thinks it'd be a great idea to invite these families over for dinner. Then she invites the grandparents. Then other cousins from out of town are invited, and pretty soon, 31 people later, we are having a huge party at our house for dinner. It was pretty sweet. I neve would have had the courage to plan a party that big in a couple hours like she did. Go THE MOM! She's pretty awesome. And, that's all for today. Go summer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Day of School Panic Attack!

I was sitting at graduation practice, being very bored, when a friend of mine walks into the building and comes directly to me and tells me that English Teacher (ET for short) didn't get my final. A wave of panic swept over my body. Then she reminded me that grades are due at three. It's 1:00 right now, and we haven't even started rehearsing the music! I'm freaking out inside. It's 1:15 and we finally start rehearsing. The combined number is rehearsed. It's 1:30. The band leaves, the choir rehearses, and we (the orchestra) wait. I talk to the friend who actually physically turned in the assignment (lucky for me she's in band) and try to figure out what could have happened to it. Maybe it got thrown away, or maybe it got stapled to hers. Those are the two options we can think of. It's 1:40 when we rehearse. We finish rehearsing at 1:45. I hurry and put my cello away. Next, I have to run up a million billion stairs, with my cello. I start out running, but then there are people in the way, so I have to slow down. I realize then that my legs are unhappy with me for going up all those stairs so quickly, and try to ignore them, because that is very unhelpful. Then I got out to the car, 1:50. Traffic wasn't too slow, but there were a lot of cars around. I go straight back to the school, and I get there at 2:10. (Yeah, I was watching the clock like a crazy person.) The friend who turned in the paper actually got there the same time I did. We go to ET's room. He's not there. but there is a stack of papers that have been graded, and we begin to search through them. The friend just wanted her final back. After a minute, we find her paper. Mine is stapled to the back of it. I pull it off, ask her to watch my cello, and the go to search for ET (who is moving classrooms). I find him fairly quickly, explain what happened, and he makes fun of me for a moment (It's just the way his humor works), and changes my grade. Relief overcomes me, and I go home. Then I think about how this would make a great story for the blog. Now, it seems kinda lame, but whatever. :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Music 'n' Stuff

The end of the school year. Yes, it's torture, but no, it can't be avoided. So, some stuff I've been up to. Remember when I posted a while back about the cello ensamble I'm going to be a part of? Well, my small group met for the first time last week, and I'm super excited. Not only is the music as awesome as I dreamed, but the group really seemed to work well. We were missing one guy, but it's lifeguard training season, and he's a lifeguard, so he was busy. That seems to bode well for him though, a cello-playing lifeguard. It's like somebody took me and older than me one and mushed us together. I'm very excited. We're meeting again next week to get the rest of our music, and hopefully name ourselves and come up with costume ideas and stuff. SUPER 'CITED! I love music. I don't know if I have said that yet. I LOVE MUSIC!!!!! Other happenings, school is almost over. Graduation is this week, so that'll be fun. Plus, I did the math, and I figured out that if I even get a 50% on my last final, I'll end up with an A in the class (unless the points are weighted, which I'm pretty sure they're not). So I'm basically done with school this year. No, I haven't gotten a job. It's hard to find time to find one. And I'm scared. I'll do better at applying soon. Hm, what else? I have a cold. I went shopping for buisness like clothes, and found some really cute stuff. Late birthday present/early back to school shopping. (It was a lot of stuff.) Good times. I'm going to start running with the cross country team this summer. I'm frightened out of my mind. I love life, but it's busy with stuff. I love you all!!! (Especially Aunt Stephanie who comments a lot :D much love specially to you!)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

bad news

I told my BFFWIAMC (best friend forever who is also my cousin) that I would post somthing on my blog . . . the only problem is I don't remember what it was. now i feel really bad. :(

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Toothless, Brainless, or Footless

Younger than me one. wow. baby teeth do not come out of that child's mouth on their own. he got 4, yes 4, teeth pulled yesterday. poor child.
as you can tell by my last post, school is very hard right now, and my brain has malfunctioned. if that's too big of a word for you to understand (which it isn't), because today i didn't remember what it meant, mal means bad in spanish. and functioned means worked. my brain worked badly. it was a rough day. they were very nice when they explained it to me though. then i realized, i really do know what it means. so a little bit of brain overload happens at the end of the school year with a billion and one projects, a zillion tests and a kajillion things to do. right now i'm "working" on my inquiry project. i surveyed the orchestra at school. i don't know what to do to present. that's my main problem. so i'm blogging to give myself a brain break. there's a ballroom concert this weekend i'm involved in. the ballroom class i'm in is performing. i just finished learning the second routine today. i missed class yesterday for an AP test, and so my partner taught it to me after lunch. because the dance room had a class in it, we were dancing in the hall. we also didn't have music. it was strange feeling. but now i know the routine for the waltz. the other routine we're doing is a swing/cha-cha medley. it's fun. i like dancing. i haven't performed ballroom for several years though, so we'll see how it goes. in fact, i haven't performed purely dancing for several years. anyhow...i'm brain dead for a little while.

Really awesome sidenote: i learned how to say flamingo in sign language! i'm happy :D

ok, so i actually do have feet, i'm just not convinced that they're doing their job right. i have discovered anew talent: falling over spontaneously. not sure why. not sure how. it just happens. i'm sure it's very entertaining to watch because i've been told so. just thought i'd share.
:) good luck to you all in all your endeavors. live long and prosper.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This is what school does to me sometimes:


not nearly as good as...

Fried Rice

or as good as...


but i can't do anything about it, cuz i'm learning good stuff. it's worth it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010's one of those times when...

Sometimes it's one of those times when you need something from the store and it's 8:35 at night.

Sometimes it's one of those times when you agree to get stuff for others too while you're out.

Sometimes one of the things you needed is not at the store you go to first cuz they're out of it.

Sometimes the lines at walmart are so long that you don't get out of the store unitl 9:10.

Sometimes it's one of those times when all the other stores you would go to closed at 9.

Sometimes you think of a different store that would still be open, but you realize you don't actually know where it is.

Sometimes you're lucky enough to find it anyway.

Sometimes that store had what you needed.

Sometimes by the time you get home it's almost ten.

Sometimes you were planning to use that 8:35-9:00 time to study for your AP Calculus test the next day, but you couldn't.

Sometimes you forgot to start your laundry.

Sometimes you realize that it's no bueno to be up late the night before an AP test.

Sometimes you're frustrated enough, and then you realize you bought the wrong color of something, but you already opened it, so it's too late.

Sometimes you fall asleep with your light on because you were trying to finish some things up while waiting to change around your laundry.

Sometimes you wake up late the next morning.

Sometimes the feelings of frustration didn't go away while you were sleeping, and now you're in a hurry.

Sometimes you have an "early morning religion class" that suddenly makes everything dissapear.

Sometimes you go into your AP test feeling a lot better after that class.

Sometimes you wonder why you were so upset about such little things.

Sometimes you know that stress just does that.

Sometimes, you have to take a step back and laugh.

Sometimes you have to smile your way through.

Sometimes you have to wear bright colors, because that always helps.

Sometimes you tell the story....

And Sometimes it helps.

Sometimes you just hope that some people are actually reading your blog.

Sometimes you wonder if it's best if they missed this post.

Sometimes [insert something frustrating here], BUT it's going to be okay.

Sometimes life is just that way.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

100 cellos

i forgot to mention one flamazing thing happening in my life. it's cello-tastic. last friday, i had a lunchtime meeting with a couple of the cellists in my section at school and a really awesome lady whose name escapes me, but will return to my brain one day. so for now i will call her cello lady. anyway, cello lady is organizing a concert for next march, and it is going to be almost completely cellos. (there's a few numbers where a drumset or piano or something is needed, which is why it is only almost* completely cellos.) she wants to have the big ensamble comprise of one hundred cellos! i get to be part of that. she's also having several smaller ensembles perform, and i get to be in one of those too! i'm so excited for this, i'm practically bursting. it's going to be an amazing experience, and i'll get to meet other cellists from all around...well, not very far away all around, but at least from all around the county area....or maybe larger...we'll see. idk how far away cello lady is going to recruit. other best part of this, it's going to be a totally professional experience, meaning i'm not paying to be there, i'm there on my own merits. AH!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!! I MIGHT EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (can't you tell how excited i am? it's pretty obvious by my overuse of exclaimaition points and capital letters.) anyway, that's the news for today. my new "inspiring" thought: "laughing gives you abs. rock hard abs."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sometimes...I blog instead of homework...

so, school is getting to that point in the year where testing is all we can do. the standardized tests are absolutely pointless. the state feels like they have to test, so they wast money on it. they should use that money to go towards not firing teachers. then, there's the ACT, which, by the way, scores were just posted, and i improved my composite score by a point, and still don't know how i did on the writing portion yet. and, finally, there's AP testing. *sigh* i just spent an hour filling out my information on a form so i can test. bleh! so pretty much, it's time to crack down and study. as i realize this, i realize that i haven't posted on my blog for a weekish. so instead of studying, i decided to write here. :D funny story of the day. i have a friend who shall heretofore be known as the giant peach. i stole the giant peach's keys during second period, and forgot to give them back. so I, making this a big deal, search frantically for the giant peach during lunch so i can make sure he gets his keys back. and i find him. and he's calm. and i made it way to big of a deal. the giant peach was planning on just getting the keys back after school at the AP form filling out meeting. yeah, so i kinda forgot that the giant peach would be there. then i felt bad for forgetting, but frustrated that it wasn't a big deal like i had thought it was. me. over reacting. yep. oh, another funny story about the giant peach, he was the one who took me to prom last year. and he didn't get me pictures until prom this year. (i didn't go, just fyi, i watched a play instead.) it was pretty great. only it was early in the morning. yeah. yay for the giant peach getting me pictures in a very "timely" manner. :P well, in conclusion, i would like to leave you with an "inspiring" thought; "satan wants you to think it's too late to put down the cookie, but it's not. put it down and don't eat it!" (quote by older than me one.)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Return to BLOG!

so one day, i was spending a couple minutes on facebook, and i saw somebody say something about "read my mom's blog" and thought, hey, i have one of those. it's been a long time since i've seen it. what was the web address again? i found it! and i'm rather sad that i've not posted anything for a long time. i decided it was time. updates....i'm one year older and wiser too! now my friends can stop telling me that everyone's all growing up except for me, cuz it's happening to me too! life's about to get really ridiculous. with AP tests and CRTs and FINALS (it felt like it needed caps too) coming up, there's a lot of information to cram into my brain. sometimes i wonder if my brain only has a certain carrying capacity and stuff starts getting booted out with the new information coming in. i hope i'm not losing my childhood memories! that would be unexpressably sad. i'm really excited about something my friend (said candy adventure friend from last post in november....we'll call her ady, short for adventury) and i are working on. ady plays the piano pretty well, and she created an arrangement of a beautiful primary song, "If The Savior Stood Beside Me," and she needed a cellist to complete it. it's really pretty, and really fun, and i'm super excited. it's pretty much the greatest thing ever! we're both so excited about it that we're planning to perform it in my "early morning religion class" and her "middle of the day religion class" (if you catch my drift :P). i don't know why i speak in code here, it's just fun! also, i got contacts. my eyes are getting pretty used to them, but they're itchy still. they get less and less itchy all the time, but they're still itchy. wanna hear a secret? i read four books this weekend, just because i wanted to. i probably should have slept more instead, but i haven't read a book just for the fun of it in a really long time, and i wanted to. so i spent my weekend on that even though i should have been doing other things. wow, i'm a little bit random and sporadic in my post here. i'll stop before i get too random. expect more soon (hopefully)!!!! oh, but one last thing, a story i'd like to share; once upon a time, my friend fatsuit and i (it's not a fat joke, it's because we were going to both be wearing fatsuits in a play together, but it didn't work out) were creating tape people to be playing a cello/viola duet on display in the orchestra room, and right now, one of the bodies is mostly made, but it has not shoulders arms or head, and it's sitting in my cello locker. when i came back to school this morning after the weekend i forgot about it, and i opened my locker to put my cello in and screamed when i saw it. it scared me so bad, and at first i thought it was a person. it was freaky! the end. goodbye.