Friday, November 5, 2010

Radio STAR!

I was locked in a room in the school today after school. locked in. I sat in front of three computers, a microphone, and a soundboard. yeah, i was broadcasting LIVE on the school radio station. It only reaches as far as the hallways and half the parking lot. that's probably a good thing considering i am super redundant and don't know anything about the music i'm broadcasting. i need to research music and musicians so i can be more smooth on the radio. yeah, it's kind of a problem. i always have my partner pick the music, and i do all the wierd stuff. i'm the identity confused DJ. when my partner and i are working together, i just say a random name, but when i'm on my own, it's the identity confused DJ. yeah, i'm a dork. i never know what to say or do, so i end up sounding redundant. i'm gonna have to start listening to the real radio so i know what i should sound like. yeah, that's kinda all i have to say for today.

ps aren't you proud of me? that's lots of posts in a row!

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