Monday, April 26, 2010

Sometimes...I blog instead of homework...

so, school is getting to that point in the year where testing is all we can do. the standardized tests are absolutely pointless. the state feels like they have to test, so they wast money on it. they should use that money to go towards not firing teachers. then, there's the ACT, which, by the way, scores were just posted, and i improved my composite score by a point, and still don't know how i did on the writing portion yet. and, finally, there's AP testing. *sigh* i just spent an hour filling out my information on a form so i can test. bleh! so pretty much, it's time to crack down and study. as i realize this, i realize that i haven't posted on my blog for a weekish. so instead of studying, i decided to write here. :D funny story of the day. i have a friend who shall heretofore be known as the giant peach. i stole the giant peach's keys during second period, and forgot to give them back. so I, making this a big deal, search frantically for the giant peach during lunch so i can make sure he gets his keys back. and i find him. and he's calm. and i made it way to big of a deal. the giant peach was planning on just getting the keys back after school at the AP form filling out meeting. yeah, so i kinda forgot that the giant peach would be there. then i felt bad for forgetting, but frustrated that it wasn't a big deal like i had thought it was. me. over reacting. yep. oh, another funny story about the giant peach, he was the one who took me to prom last year. and he didn't get me pictures until prom this year. (i didn't go, just fyi, i watched a play instead.) it was pretty great. only it was early in the morning. yeah. yay for the giant peach getting me pictures in a very "timely" manner. :P well, in conclusion, i would like to leave you with an "inspiring" thought; "satan wants you to think it's too late to put down the cookie, but it's not. put it down and don't eat it!" (quote by older than me one.)

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