Friday, January 13, 2012


Today the theme for biology was defining life. its not very cut and dry. i took notes. all they were was quotes from the teacher. they went like this:

"Dead coconut. (he rolls it) Its moving! Live coconut."
"There are some humans that can't reproduce. It doesn't make them dead."
"The number one rule about being a bear is don't get eaten by other bears."
"This car had the amazing ability to let rain water in, but not to let it out. This guy says he can fix it, so we say, 'please do!' he opens the door and starts shooting at the floor. It was never wet again."
"Everything I see on you is basically dead. Its like a zombie movie every day."
"They found this pot of beans in an ancient Anasazi ruin--they looked like lima beans, and if you've ever had lima beans, you can guess now that that's what killed off the Anasazi."

Oh yeah, I learn a lot in biology.

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