Saturday, August 30, 2008

Football, Friends, and Frustration

so last night, i went to my first high school football game. the team played well, i think. actually, i was clueless during most of the game. i get the rules, but i had no idea what was going on without being able to hear the commentary. therefore, a lot of the time i was asking who had the ball, and what just happened. the guy next to me was not very helpful. i was wishing that a certain somebody was there to explain, cuz it's always made sense when they explain stuff. but, that person wasn't. so, i just had to pretend i knew what was going on and cheer. we won though. the first point scored was a feild goal by the other school. then we got a field goal. then we got a touchdown. then they got a touchdown. then we got a field goal, then they got one, and then we went into overtime, and we got a touchdown, and they almost got one too, but they ran out of time, and we intercepted the ball. it was pretty awesome. afterwards, we were supposed to go to the stomp, but it was only going to be an hour and a half because the game lasted for so long. so, it wasn't going to be worth the money, and we went home. i'm so upset though, cuz i went and was in a group of people who are all my friends, but i don't feel like i belong because i don't eat lunch with them, so i don't get invited to parties and stuff, so i'm not in on any of the inside jokes, and i just don't know them as well. i just need to do stuff outside of my house more. and then i'll get better freinds with people, whether it's them or others. i hope i can do it.

1 comment:

trublubyu said...

awwww, rose, i totally get the feeling left out of the inside jokes thing. but you're right, you just gotta get to know them better and then you will be in on the inside jokes. love ya...