Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Remembered What I Was Going To Say!

I DROVE FOR THE FIRST TIME ON SUNDAY!!!!! it was the scariest thing of my life. and, for the record, i did not hit the other car, they hit me! (just kidding, i didn't hit anything.) The Dad took me around the block, and then decided to drive me to a parking lot to practice there. it was scary! also, in other news, my professional headshots that i got taken through the school came in! i'm not trying to brag or anything, but they really do make me look good. (photoshop...miriacle!) and now, i forgot what else to say... so yeah. i'm short and almost sweet today. :D bye


Cosmo said...

Did you drive Big Blue? Come down to the armory, and we'll get you behind the wheel of something really BIG.

Emily said...

Driving!? (She says like..three weeks later...) That is too awesome! I love driving. And I do love your head you are just so pretty.