Sunday, April 29, 2012

Taking Candy From Strangers

once upon a time, in a very beautiful place, there were three little girls...maybe not so little...except for one was a liddle...

these girls were brave--very brave indeed. so brave that they would venture to cross the line that should never be crossed, the taboo of all taboos, the no-no of all mothers' nightmares. but there they walked, parched for energy. there they stepped. the only solution to take the glistening candy from the hand of the man with stranger stamped on his forehead--quite literally! who would do that to themselves? the enticing brown paper bag filled to the brim with dreams of sugar plums and ice cream rivers called their names. "come here little girls who are not so little except for one who is liddle. EAT ME!" out of the bag came smarties, orange slices (the fake kind), peppermints, and almonds covered with chocolate...and something else...(probably drugs. you should have seen this guy! mr. rogers sweater? working it.)
not only did we take one smartie, but he filled our hands with goodness. and then, with his departing words, his face dropped. "muahaha now you guys can get sick!" and then he walked away to stalk other little children...who were actually little (and wiser--they followed the cardinal rule)...and were probably his grandkids.


post script: this entire post was dictated to me by the other two girls. just so you know.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can VS Pocketknife Episode II

to read the first episode, click here. new roommates, same apartment, same dilemma, different reason. we don't actually have a can opener. true, it hasn't even been a week since the new roommates moved in (by the way, they are really awesome. REALLY awesome.) but we don't have one yet. so, i pulled out my pocket knife again when i needed to open my can of chicken for my pasta-roni lunch. i just thought i'd include some pictures this time...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thought from the Roomates

This quote is possibly my favorite birthday present. It was given to me inside the cover of a beautiful copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.

"Never doubt your ability to think and do impossible things. You are much more "muchier" than the rest"

My roommates are amazing. They have been great forces for good in my life this year, and I'm very sad to see them go soon.

And even though that quote was directed at me, I would re-direct it back to all of you. See my last post's quote if you want to know why.

(And yes, I did decide to capitalize properly in this post...)

Friday, April 13, 2012

April Fool

this is when i regret taking a job a few weeks before school gets out. this is also when i regret taking 17 credits this semester. however, school's almost over! yay :) four finals tomorrow, so it'll be a full day. then on monday i'll take my last two finals and have a week of freedom (except work) before spring term starts. a lot of people have expressed their opinions on me taking classes spring term--they call me crazy. but fear not--change is as good as rest!

i leave you with this thought: "you really can do whatever you want to do if you decide to do it. most of us limit ourselves--we think we have mostly bad ideas, so we follow the paths that are paved already. i, however, want to travel through a jungle and a rain forest and over a mountain and across the savannah . i will be the one paving the path, and if you wish, you can be paving right along side me. or, you can follow. the choice is yours."