Friday, April 13, 2012

April Fool

this is when i regret taking a job a few weeks before school gets out. this is also when i regret taking 17 credits this semester. however, school's almost over! yay :) four finals tomorrow, so it'll be a full day. then on monday i'll take my last two finals and have a week of freedom (except work) before spring term starts. a lot of people have expressed their opinions on me taking classes spring term--they call me crazy. but fear not--change is as good as rest!

i leave you with this thought: "you really can do whatever you want to do if you decide to do it. most of us limit ourselves--we think we have mostly bad ideas, so we follow the paths that are paved already. i, however, want to travel through a jungle and a rain forest and over a mountain and across the savannah . i will be the one paving the path, and if you wish, you can be paving right along side me. or, you can follow. the choice is yours."

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