Monday, April 19, 2010

Return to BLOG!

so one day, i was spending a couple minutes on facebook, and i saw somebody say something about "read my mom's blog" and thought, hey, i have one of those. it's been a long time since i've seen it. what was the web address again? i found it! and i'm rather sad that i've not posted anything for a long time. i decided it was time. updates....i'm one year older and wiser too! now my friends can stop telling me that everyone's all growing up except for me, cuz it's happening to me too! life's about to get really ridiculous. with AP tests and CRTs and FINALS (it felt like it needed caps too) coming up, there's a lot of information to cram into my brain. sometimes i wonder if my brain only has a certain carrying capacity and stuff starts getting booted out with the new information coming in. i hope i'm not losing my childhood memories! that would be unexpressably sad. i'm really excited about something my friend (said candy adventure friend from last post in november....we'll call her ady, short for adventury) and i are working on. ady plays the piano pretty well, and she created an arrangement of a beautiful primary song, "If The Savior Stood Beside Me," and she needed a cellist to complete it. it's really pretty, and really fun, and i'm super excited. it's pretty much the greatest thing ever! we're both so excited about it that we're planning to perform it in my "early morning religion class" and her "middle of the day religion class" (if you catch my drift :P). i don't know why i speak in code here, it's just fun! also, i got contacts. my eyes are getting pretty used to them, but they're itchy still. they get less and less itchy all the time, but they're still itchy. wanna hear a secret? i read four books this weekend, just because i wanted to. i probably should have slept more instead, but i haven't read a book just for the fun of it in a really long time, and i wanted to. so i spent my weekend on that even though i should have been doing other things. wow, i'm a little bit random and sporadic in my post here. i'll stop before i get too random. expect more soon (hopefully)!!!! oh, but one last thing, a story i'd like to share; once upon a time, my friend fatsuit and i (it's not a fat joke, it's because we were going to both be wearing fatsuits in a play together, but it didn't work out) were creating tape people to be playing a cello/viola duet on display in the orchestra room, and right now, one of the bodies is mostly made, but it has not shoulders arms or head, and it's sitting in my cello locker. when i came back to school this morning after the weekend i forgot about it, and i opened my locker to put my cello in and screamed when i saw it. it scared me so bad, and at first i thought it was a person. it was freaky! the end. goodbye.


Anonymous said...

seems like you have a pretty crazy life going on there. try not to get mugged by the appendageless tape body. i hear they're the ones you really need to look out for.

trublubyu said...

yay! updates on your life! so glad to hear that you are alive and found your blog.

so, i think you need to record your song and post it so we can all hear your awesomeness and say to each other "i wish i was that awesome" and then we could go in a corner and sulk and wish we were like you and had tape people and contacts.

and i can't wait to see you in a couple months!!