Friday, September 5, 2008


today was the dancing portion of auditions for thoroughly modern millie at my school. wednsday was the singing part. so, singing, what happened? i'll tell you. i get up on stage, i work out a tempo with the pianist, and then i stand on the X to sing. as soon as the piano started playing, i stopped hearing and seeing everything, except my own voice. no, i wasn't passed out or anything. as far as i know i could have been off key. but, if i was off key, i was in the same off key all the time. i think i did well. for dancing today, we learned two routines. one was tap, which i did really well on i think, and the other is . . . something else. it was way hard, and i'm not sure i did that well on that one. we get to find out about call backs on monday, and then on wed. or thurs. we'll get to see the cast list posted. I hope i make it!

p.s. sorry that i haven't written for so long, i've just been studying for some tests and practicing for auditions, so i was tragically busy. i'll try to do better.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I do love you especially.

And you have to remember to call me when you know about the show! I was told you did very well today! I love you!