Friday, August 1, 2008

Just One of Those Days

Today was just one of those days. i think you know what i mean by that.
it's the day where you press the snooze button on your alarm clock so many times that eventually you just set it again to wake you up a half hour later instead of pressing snooze.
it's the day that getting the right temperature in the shower is impossible.
it's the day that after you have gotten in the shower, you realize that you have almost no shampoo left, so you have to use the kind that smells manly.
it's the day that you realize that you have a concert tonight, and you forgot to ask your brother to make dinner, so you'll be eating late because your mom is out of town with the brother just older than you, and your dad is taking you to the concert.
it's the day that you realize you forgot to water the plants yesterday, and the day before.
it's the day that you realize you forgot to have your youngest brother do his laundry, so he has to do it this morning and afternoon when you were going to wash those tennis shoes that you had at girls camp a month and a half ago.
it's one of those days where your eyes suddenly decide to be irritated at your make-up remover wipes that you've been using for years, and you only had to use it to wipe away some stray mascara.
it's that day that you decide to sharpen your eyeliner pencil, but then you realize that it was stupid of you to buy eyeliner in a pencil in the first place because everyone knows that sharpening it is the biggest pain in the world (ya know, the kind of pain where you take ibuprofen and go to sleep until you feel better, but you can't go to sleep, cuz you'll still have to do your make-up sometime).
it's the day that you ate sugary cereal for breakfast, and it made you feel sick. it's the day that after your breakfast made you sick, you're going to have to go play music for several hours.
it's one of those days where all of this has happened, and it's not even 8:30 yet.

but, i'm not complaining.

it's also one of those days where you get to do what you love for the first half of the day.
it's one of those days where you get to make new friends, and then have fun with them all day.
it's the day that you get watermelon before lunch, and then you get an amazing lunch anyway.
it's the day that you finally decide that it's ok to be stressed out, because it'll pass.
it's the day that you finally get that email that you've been waiting for from that friend that you haven't seen for a year.
it's the day that you get to perform in an orchestra, and you got first chair in auditions.
it's the day that you discover how to blog.
it's the day you start your blog.
it's the day that you find out how to stretch those sore muscles that you didn't even know were sore.
it's the day that started out not so hot, and ended up wonderful.
it's one of those kinds of days.


Anonymous said...

I found you!

So now it's also a day where someone read and commented on your blog.


Rosie said...

Awesome!! how did you find me? i was still deciding whether or not to tell people about this, cuz i wasn't sure if i'd get into it...but we'll see. i'm glad that you found me!

Anonymous said...

I found you by your blogger profile that I found though the walker wire, by the way.